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Updated: Mar 26

Mercedes Benz were getting ready to launch its answer to electrification - The EQ concept. The engineers had made wonders but there were some uncertainties on how to go to market. ForOne was one of three worldwide case teams commissioned to come up with a viable strategy.

We dug into everything - market and consumer insights, infrastructure readiness and what not. Bottom line, we ended up with two basic suggestions: (1) Don’t let this be about electric cars. Use the force already built into the brand. (2) Raise the price tag. Supply is scarce and pricing in this category is not comparable to regular combustion engine cars.

So what happened? Well, for one thing Mercedes picked up on our strategy and launched a global campaign with world-renowned artist The Weeknd on the theme “...What do you mean? I drive a Mercedes”. Secondly, they raised the price tag per car by 100.000 SEK and instantly sold out every car on the Swedish market, earning an extra truck load of cash. A pretty good result for a 3 month project, wouldn’t you say?

”For One played a very important part in shaping our EQ concept” Björn Hauber, CEO, Mercedes Benz Nordics


Insights | Opportunity mapping | Positioning | Brand strategy & concept | Pricing | Marketing strategy | Go to market roadmapping | and more.

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Updated: Nov 15, 2023

All teams need a thinker. That brilliantly curios and thoughtful person who constantly turns stuff over and brings food for thought. This person is Georg Sievert. Our very own curly guy that we just love to have by our side at all times.

With a long career as a strategist, project leader and marketeer, both as a consultant and client, Georg is a greatly appreciated and highly engaged member of the For One collective. Working his magic as a senior consultant and advisor for clients on multiple projects. Also contributing to building the For One brand and honing our start-up ventures.


Curiosity and analytical brilliance, always a generous contributor of those contemplations that make new ideas pop.

Akilles heel:

Can lose himself in details. But that’s all good, someone needs to!

Main skills:

Insights & analysis | Marketing management | Business & brand development | Project management | Brand innovation | Design management | Retail concepts | and more...

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Updated: Feb 16

Without a strong culture among its partners and members, For One would be nothing. In 2020, we decided to reinvent the company and realised that the single most important thing was finding a truly caring yet energetic and business-minded leader. And we found her, Helene Forsberg, with a brilliant ability to build and lead fashion and lifestyle retailers where a great working culture and customer satisfaction is key to success.

Helene is now spearheading the For One Allstars network and working as a senior advisor on multiple projects. With an easy-going, wise and truly mindful approach she inspires and empowers us all to be more.

The people person!

Apart from spreading angel dust and a lovely air around, she is truly a street smart and results-oriented business wizard, especially when it comes to retail.

Retail management | Concept development | Business development | E-com | CRM | Customer experience | B2C sales | Events | Brand building | Team building | Business management | and more...

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