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Business creation

The brief was simple. How can we expand Cervera into new areas and add new revenue streams to the business? Well, from a deck of ideas For One explored and developed a couple of business concepts. One was Cervera Vintage which we developed and launched in 2021.

The fun part is that Vintage not only added new revenue, it quickly became one the best performing traffic magnets for Cervera e-com as well as a great way to revitalise the brand.

ForOne came up with the idea, designed the brand and digital service, recruited people to develop and work in the business area and much more. We are proud of this little nugget case that truly shows that circularity can make commercial sense for a business. All in line with what drives For One as a company.


Opportunity mapping | Business innovation | Concepts development | Service design | Brand identity | Marcom strategy | Recruitment | and more.

Talk on the town
“Cervera Vintage is a smart example of how a traditional retail chain combines e-commerce and store network to create a new circular business model.”, 2021

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